It's easy to get sidetracked by life and forget that we once had goals and dreams.
If you are a Coach, Consultant, Entrepreneur, or a Life-Long Learner who is ready to make some real changes to secure the next level of your life or business, we are ready to work with YOU!
This program is not designed for those who are still not ready to work hard to reach their goals. We can only accept people into this program who fully understand that change is hard and that if they don't step up to change their lives, no one is going to do it for them. Is that YOU?
Our four-hour KickStart Program is designed to provide one on one direct, customized support for a clear action plan to define and achieve your life, business, or career vision-with absolutely NO allowance for getting in your own way!
- Are you stuck or even crashing in your business?
- How about in your relationships?
- Been dragging your feet on making a move because you are uncertain if it’s the ‘right’ decision?
- Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, or ineffective in your role as a team lead?
- Tribe Business Assessment
- Chloe Madanes Primary Needs Assessment made popular by Tony Robbins
- DiSC Personality Profile
- Leadership assessments (Goleman Styles; Hershey-Blanchard Situational; LPI) best suited to your needs
These tools are a powerful starting point to understanding how you personally impact everything you do, and to prioritizing needs and actions to effectively design action steps toward your goals. We often feel like it’s too late to make big changes but what if those changes were small? What if they add up to something amazing because you were courageous enough to take one step, get help and just DO it?
"The ‘Lion' all began with a picture of a faun carrying an umbrella and parcels in a snowy wood. This picture had been in my mind since I was about sixteen. Then one day, when I was about forty, I said to myself, 'Let's try to make a story about it’."
- CS Lewis
Meet Your Instructors!
Leadership Coach and Instructor
Raelene Bergen Harder
Raelene Bergen Harder is an entrepreneur, professional facilitator, Founder of Tribe Leadership Consulting, and Personal Mastery Consultant and Coach specializing in Effective Leadership. For 20 years Raelene has worked with individuals and organizations to maximize their effectiveness both at the organizational as well as personal levels. With an extensive background in program development, marketing, project management, and coordination, Raelene and her team have advised executive-level staff on effective communications strategies and tools, as well as overseen the planning and implementation of internal and external communications and production plans for international, national and provincial level projects, including for Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada, Innu Round Table Secretariat, Rhapsody Strategies, TrueDot Design, Bassi Construction, Urban Quarry, PSD Corp. Pump Systems and Devices, Corporate Events, Employment and Social Development Canada, Sony Pictures, British Telecom, National Geographic, and Family Channel. -
Leadership Coach and Instructor
Barbara Odenwald
As an expert consultant and coach in Organizational Communications and Conversational Intelligence, Barbara helps build the leadership and team ‘soft skills’ necessary for radical cultural transformation and organizational success. She has worked collaboratively with clients such as the Red Cross, Roche, the Vancouver Olympics Committee, Airbus, the RCMP and Ottawa Police Services, and many non-profits and agencies and departments of provincial and federal governments, to assess needs and to deliver successful strategies, customized tools, and sustainable results. Her passion and expertise in difficult conversations and the impact of nuance in human interaction help create trust-based, sustainable learning organizations. Barbara holds two degrees and certificates in her field from UBC and MIT and is a certified Conversational Intelligence coach. Her passion and expertise in innovation, change management, and problem-solving, help create sustainable learning organizations. Barbara holds two degrees and certificates in her field from UBC and MIT and is a Conversational Intelligence coach.

“I was able to design my business toward my needs.”
Dr. Ellen Simone, ND

"My personal life needed to be addressed and worked on before I could look at reorganizing or changing my work environment."
Zubair Mumtaz, MBA Managing Director, Corporate Banking (Canada) at Bank of China Toronto, Ontario, Canada

"It became clear where I was going."
Cassandra Henry, Owner of Transformed Spaces
"Why work with Raelene? Can she really help me?"
Francesca Dattilo, Law Of Attraction Coach
This all comes down to you.
If you have ever felt that you became a passenger in your life instead of the driver, now is the time to change.
We are here to help you because we believe that we are Stronger Together and that everyone needs support to move forward. You don’t have to do this alone and we are excited to build your strategy map with you!
Still not sure if this is right for you?
Send us a quick email at [email protected] with your questions or concerns and we will get back to you asap.